D&S Custom Homes
Customizing Your Lifestyle
Holistic Viewpoint
This may not be a term you  would associate with a construction company. The fact is we have been traveling down this road for several years. We have been asked what medicine has to do with construction, which we reply by stating the obvious........nothing. But there is so much more to the term than medical references.

  1. Emphasizing the importance of the whole and the interdependence of its parts.
  2. Concerned with wholes rather than analysis or separation into parts.
Homes in todays world are becoming ever more efficient and complex in many ways. It is easy to open the door, turn on the light, use the bathroom, wash our hands and turn on the heat or a/c. The issue is how all these basic tasks are interrelated. If you have an older home that needs windows replaced you could throw a wrench into the whole thing. That is where our idea of holistic construction and evaluation come into focus.

Our opinion is to look at the home as a type of living thing. All the parts need to work together for it to function properly and provide longevity. When we review an idea for an addition to a home we also look at the overall impact to the other functions of the home. Will the heating/cooling systems need addressing or would it be more cost effective to upgrade the insulation and ventilation to achieve the same result.

If we are evaluating a home for window replacements will the end result now make the home tighter where an air exchange system may be in order. The truth is that as we become more energy efficient we need to safeguard against unwanted or unhealthy secondary issues. Chances are you will not hear that concern brought up from most replacement window companies. Since our company has also provided heating,cooling, and indoor air quality services for 25 years we have seen the damages from this type of work.

We stand firm in our philosophy of looking at a project from a complete interconnected viewpoint- holistic.

Feel free to contact us with any questions you may have with this concept. You have a large investment in your home and you need to be able to make informed decisions for the long term.

Holistic Viewpoint
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